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O Foro de São Paulo

O Foro de Sao Paulo foi criado por Fidel castro com Luiz Igacio Lula da Silva e ele concentra a todas a s forças de izquerda, o objetivo é implantar o comunismo na America Latina, pode ler mais aqui: Foro de Sao Paulo

Tudo que foi dito por ela é a mais pura verdade e está acontecendo nesse exato momento bem debaixo dos nossos narizes!
Tudo que foi relatado como ocorrido em outros países tem assimilação TOTAL com os passos que o atual governo está dando para instituir a Hegemonia Partidária (socialismo extremista)


O rei Pele

Na seguinte lista tem as opiniões de muitos futebolistas assim como também diretores tecnicos de futebol sobre o rei Pele


-João Saldanha (Brazil's coach in 1969): "If you ask me who the best fullback in Brazil is, I'd say Pelé, if you ask me who the best half-back or winger is, I would say Pelé. He is prob­ably even our best goalkeeper. He is like no footballer ever has been, or is ever likely to be."

-Jose Mourinho: "I think he[Pele] is football. You have the real special one - Mr Pele."

-Johan Cruyff: "Pele was the only footballer who surpassed the boundaries of logic."

-Marcello Lippi: "Pelé had no imperfections!"

-Nevio Scala: "Pelé was the player that impressed me the most. He will always be number 1 for me"

-Osvaldo Ardiles: Pele really had everything -- goalscoring ability, a great passer, good in the air, quick, he used both feet, almost the perfect footballer. Many words have been written about Pele but his record speaks for itself --more than 1,000 goals and three World Cup victories. He also played at a time when attacking players were not protected by referees as much as they are today.

-Eusebio: "Pele played in an era which had so many great players and in that atmosphere he stood out above the others. He was the complete player in every aspect as well as being a kind human being. Cristiano Ronaldo is young yet, and has many years ahead of himself. But as of now, I do not see anyone who can compare with Pele"

-Bobby Moore: "Pele was the most complete player I've ever seen, he had everything. Two good feet. Magic in the air. Quick. Powerful. Could beat people with skill. Could outrun people. Only 5ft 8in tall, yet he seemed a giant of an athlete on the pitch. Perfect balance and impossible vision. He was the greatest because he could do anything and everything on a football pitch. I remember Saldhana the coach being asked by a Brazilian journalist who was the best goalkeeper in his squad. He said Pele. The man could play in any position."

-Ferenc Puskas: "The greatest player in history was Di Stefano. I refuse to classify Pele as a player. He was above that."

-Sir Alex Ferguson: "Question: Best player you ever saw? -AF: Pelé, di Stefano, Maradona, Cruyff. -Q:In that order? -AF: Yes, I think so."

-Romario: "Messi has all the conditions to be the best, but first he has to beat Maradona, Romario and then eventually Pele."

-Michel Platini: "There's Pele the man, and then Pele the player. And to play like Pele is to play like God."

-Alfredo Di Stefano: "The best player ever? Pele. Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both great players with specific qualities, but Pele was better."
-Sir Bobby Charlton: "I sometimes feel as though football was invented for this magical player."
-Tostao: "Pele was the greatest -- he was simply flawless. And off the pitch he is always smiling and upbeat. You never see him bad-tempered. He loves being Pele."

-Zico: "This debate about the player of the century is absurd. There's only one possible answer: Pele. He's the greatest player of all time, and by some distance I might add."

-Franz Beckenbauer: "Pele is the greatest player of all time. He reigned supreme for 20 years. All the others - Diego Maradona, Johan Cruyff, Michel Platini - rank beneath him. There's no one to compare with Pele." -

-Tarcisio Burgnich: "Before the match, I told myself that Pele was just flesh and bones like the rest of us. Later I realised I'd been wrong."

-Cesar Luis Menotti: "The best of all was Pele, who is a mixture of Di Stefano, Maradona, Cruyff and Leo Messi."

-Cesar Luis Menotti: "It's ugly to compare but the greatest was Pele. If we believe that God made ​​man, the "black" Pelé he made him perfect. He gave him everything. He lacked nothing, header, physical power, dribbling, finishing, inspiration, genius, temper, vision, goal. Everything."
-Gianni Rivera: "However, I do think there's someone who was even better(than Messi) and that's Pele. He used both feet on the pitch. He was as dangerous with his right as he was with his left. He was strong in the air as well, and created a lot of chances."

-Hugo Gatti: "Pelé had the skin of a player, head, pace, everything. He was a panther dressed in white, I played with him. He entered to play in the last minute and he could turn the match. And the big difference is that Pelé on the field created fear, Maradona not...For me, it is Pelé, Alfredo Di Stefano and Maradona, in that order. I appreciate Diego, he is a great player. But from another planet was Pelé, not him."

-Teófilo Cubillas: "I confronted him several times on the pitch and I think there will be noone like him."

-Mario Zagallo: "Pele represented everything in soccer because of what he has done on the pitch."

-Cristiano Ronaldo: "Pele is the greatest player in football history, and there would only be one Pele in the world."


Garrincha - O maior driblador da história do futebol

Homenagem a este gênio do Futebol. Imagens: TV Cultura


Guia para conhecer o Brasil

No mercado brasileiro assim como no mercado americano existem livros que permiten conhecer o Brasil como pais, conhecer as estradas, saber sobre hoteis, etc entre estes temos:

O que fazer quando for abordado pela polícia

A polícia me abordou e agora ?

Cómo se comportar e quais sao seus direitos diante de uma abordagem policial

A polícia pode abordar as pessoas e revisá-las  siempre que presenciar alguma atitude sospeita

Se voce for parado pela polícia, alguns comportamentos podem ajudar a evitar que a situacao se transforme em conflicto
  • Fique calmo e nao corra
  • Dexe suas maos visiveis e nao faca movimentos bruscos
  • Obedesca o policial, nao discuta nem toque nele. Nao faca ameacas ou use palavras ofensivas 
Nao é crimen andar sem documentos, más recusar-s a se identificar é contravencao penal. Se estiver sem documento, forneca ao policial dados que auxiliem a sua identificacao

Se voce for abordado voce tem direito
  • De saber a identificaao do policial
  • De ser revisado apenas por policias  do mesmo sexo que voce
  • De acompanhar a revista de seu carro e pedir que uma pessoa qu nao seja policial a testemunhe
  • De ser preso apenas por ordem do juiz eu flagarnte
  • Em caso de prisao: de nao falar nada além e sua identificacao e de avisar sua familia e seu advogado
  • De nao ser algemafo se nao estiver sendo violento ou tentando fugir da abordagem
Se algum policial desrespeitar os seus direitos, tente se lembrar e anotar o nome, dia, local, identificacao e apariencia dele, o número da viatura em qu ele estava e o nome das testemunhas  que presenciaram os fatos

Para denuncias e elogios procure a Ouvidoria de Policia do seu Estado ou disque Direitos Humanos 100

A matanza de Carandiru

Ocurrio el 2 de Octubre de 1992 en la penitenciaria de Carandiru en Sao Paulo

Panorama cuenta cómo sobrevivientes lograron escapar de la línea de fuego de la masacre más grande que ocurrió en Brasil, cuando los presos del mayor presidio de seguridad máxima de la América Latina se rebelaron en la tarde de 2 de octubre de 1992. ¿Quién dio la orden a las Tropas de Choque de invadir? ¿Por qué la policía especial también entró en el Carandirú? ¿Qué pasó con los policías acusados ​​de la ejecución de 119 prisioneros? En mes de agosto del 2013 varios policías y comandantes siguen siendo juzgados por un tribunal que ya condenó varios otros a más de 600 años de prisión.

Fuente :

Maná - Cuando los Angeles Lloran (Chico Mendes)

Tributo do grupo mexicano Mana a Chico Mendes

Vídeo Feito em Homenagem a um grande homem cujos feitos seram lembrados e devem ser seguidos...


Casa Museo de Chico Mendes

Casa onde viveu o lider seringueiro Chico Mendes na cidade de Xapuri - Acre


Chico Mendes - 20 Anos de sua morte.


Desmatamento da Amazônia


Entrevista a Ilzamar Mendes viuda de Chico Mendes

Entrevista com Ilzamar Mendes, viúva do seringeueiro, líder sindical e ecologista Chico Mendes



Assassinato de Chico Mendes - Repercussão do crime na mídia

Reportagem da TV Globo sobre o assassinato do sindicalista Chico Mendes, ocorrido em 1988, e sobre a repercussão mundial do acontecido. Este arquivo é parte do projeto Memória: Movimentos Socioambientais do Acre.


Historia de Chico Mendes video parte 1

Francisco Alves Mendes Filho, más conocido como Chico Mendes, (Xapuri, 15 de diciembre de 1944 - Xapuri, 22 de diciembre de 1988) fue un recolector de caucho, sindicalista y activista ambiental brasileño.


Historia de Chico Mendes video parte 2

Chico Mendes, luchó contra la extracción de madera y la expansión de los pastizales sobre el Amazonas. Fundó un sindicato de recolectores de caucho en un intento de preservar sus trabajos y la selva tropical.


Historia de Chico Mendes video parte 3

Chico Mendes, tuvo un papel importante en la fundación del Consejo Nacional de los Recolectores de Caucho y la creación de la propuesta de Reservas Extractivas para los recolectores.
Fue el primer presidente de la Central Única dos Trabalhadores - ACRE (CUT de ACRE), fundada en 1984.


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